Parental partnerships for Learning and Development of children
Enabling learning improvement for children through
technology and parental engagement

We aim to impact the learning of 1 million children by 2029

A Human and Technology led platform for parents.
What we do?
Enabling learning improvement for children studying in Grades I to V in Government schools
Working with parents to ensure they have access to resources and information needed to participate in children’s learning
Hands-on support to children through learning-related resources, activities and content over the chatbot
Regular conversations with the parent and child to understand learning needs, and provide guidance for any learning-related challenges


Community driven networks
We believe parents and communities play a crucial role in shaping a child's education. Our parent-to-parent support model invites champion parents from within the community to assist others in impacting children’s learning. This model ensures localised and relevant support for the families that we work with
Technology led solutions
The technology includes a WhatsApp chatbot and a dedicated parent helpline to deliver content and guidance. The technology is driven by Champion parents—who play a key role in supporting other parents. The Chabot acts as a storehouse of information for the parents, from learning-related content, applications, level-specific guidance, school-related information etc. The Champion parents use a calling application - Saajha for Saajhedar for regular call-based support to other parents.




Content Partners

Tech & Data Partners

Government Partners

Our Advisory Board supporting our effort

If you are interested for partnership with Saajha. Write to us at partnerships@saajha.org